Ruth 1:16 ‘Where You Go, I Will Go’ A Mirkwood Dreams Cover Song

Home » Ruth 1:16 ‘Where You Go, I Will Go’ A Mirkwood Dreams Cover Song
Where you go, I will go,
Where you lodge, i will lodge.
Do not ask me to turn away,
For I will follow you.
We'll serve the Lord together,
Praise Him day to day.
For He brought us together,
To love Him and serve him always.

While the author remains anonymous, credit goes to Margaret Evans for arranging this gem found in ‘Songs of Fellowship, Book 1’ (No. 600). Drawing inspiration from Ruth 1:16 in the Bible, these lyrics beautifully express love and faith. It’s a popular choice at Christian weddings, symbolizing a bride’s unwavering commitment to her new spouse.

Ruth 1:16, Christian Wedding Song
Photo by Pixabay

Introduction to Ruth 1:16

To truly grasp the depth of their meaning, it is essential to delve into the background of this story. Introducing Ruth, a Moabite woman in a land where God’s command in the Old Testament strictly forbade intermarriage with the Hebrews. The story unfolds with Elimelek and Naomi, a couple who, in the face of a famine, migrate from Israel to the neighboring land of Moab. Tragedy strikes when Elimelek passes away, leaving Naomi to care for their two sons, Mahlon and Kilion. As time progresses, both sons marry local Moabite women, Orpah and Ruth, respectively. But fate takes a cruel turn, and both sons also pass away, leaving Naomi with her two daughters-in-law.

At this critical juncture, Naomi decides to return to her homeland in Israel. She advises Orpah and Ruth to return to their own families, as the future seems bleak with her.

This conversation is fraught with emotion, leading Orpah to heed Naomi’s counsel and return to her family. But Ruth’s determination shines brightly as she resolutely refuses to leave. It’s in this heartfelt moment that she passionately declares, ‘Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go, I will go, and where you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God. Where you die, I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if even death separates you and me.’

Contemplation on Ruth 1:16

We may never fully know why Ruth spoke those heartfelt words. It could have been her upbringing, the culture she lived in, or various other factors. What’s important is her unwavering commitment that made her say those words.

Sometimes, when we contemplate life in reverse, we discover that the present takes on an entirely different and more meaningful hue. However, as humans, we do lack the innate ability to view life from this reverse perspective. Ruth, despite an uncertain future, goes on to become the great-grandmother of King David. This connection holds more deeper significance than initially meets the eye. Without considering Jesus, King David would have been just a king in Israel. But Ruth’s story has a far-reaching consequence. Through David’s lineage, the promise of a Messiah unfolds – a Savior for all, not just humans, but all life on Earth. Ruth’s devotion plays a crucial role in this divine plan.

Mirkwood Dreams - 'Where You Go, I Will Go' Cover Art
Mirkwood Dreams is Neil Robey – Piano and Zoe Robey – Vocals

Much like Ruth, we’ve encountered our fair share of life’s challenges, even with this very song. One of our most significant hurdles was our recording setup – we use our bedroom as a home studio, and to get clean recordings, we had to record late at night to avoid background noise. It was a challenging endeavor, it wasn’t easy, but after many attempts, we finally got the recording you’re hearing now.
However, much like Ruth’s story, perhaps even in our own journey, we need to look at our experiences in reverse. Sometimes, the stories that carry pain can reveal their true significance when viewed from the perspective of how that pain has shaped us.


Similarly, our journey on Earth can be compared to a story best understood in reverse. It’s only when we reach the other side in heaven that we might gain true clarity about our life here. Until that moment arrives, my hope is that all of us, including myself, can keep our focus on what truly matters, even when it might seem trivial at times. Let’s stay the course, remain resilient. Until then, stay strong💪, stay blessed💖!

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Home » Ruth 1:16 ‘Where You Go, I Will Go’ A Mirkwood Dreams Cover Song

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